Senin, 20 Oktober 2008

profile of prisa adinda rianzi

Prisa Adinda

Lihat link foto artis, bikini dan prisa adinda yang lain

Nama Lengkap: Prisa Adinda Arini Rianzi
Nick Di Forum : TheCuteDeviL
Tempat/Tgl Lahir : Jakarta / 6 Januari 1988
E-mail Address :
Pekerjaan : Musisi
Tempat Tinggal Sekarang : Jakarta
Gitar : Jackson DKMG Arch Top, Jackson USA Randy Rhoads RR1, Fender USA Telecaster Flathead Custom Shop, Martin & Co X series & Fender Strat Eric Clapton
Efek : Line 6 PODXTLive, Tonebone Hot British, Ibanez Tube Screamer 808
Ampli : Roland Cube 30
Group Band Saat ini : Dead Squad
Pengalaman Band : Zala
Pengaruh Musikal : Slayer, John Mayer, As I Lay Dying
Style Permainan : Metal
Teknik Favorit : Power Chord
Gitaris Favorit : Mick Thompson, Steve Vai, dll
Band Favorit : God Forbid, Trivium, As I Lay Dying, Killswitch Engage, Shadows Fall, Megadeth, Slayer, Unearth, Lamb of God, The Black Dahlia Murder,
Album Favorit : Frail Words Collaps (As I Lay Dying), Ascendency (Trivium), Unhallowed (The Black Dahlia Murder), Gone forever (God Forbid), the end of heartache (Killswitch Engage), The Subliminal Verses (Slipknot), Ashes Of The Wake (Lamb Of God), The War Within (Shadows Fall), Waking The Fallen (Avanged Sevenfolds), The Uncoming Storm (Unearth)
Lagu Yang Pertama Dipelajari : Anugerah Terindah (Sheila On 7)

Prisa pertama kali belajar gitar karena kebetulan. Sewaktu masih SMP, Prisa tinggal di asrama kemudian iseng maenin gitar punya temannya. Gara-gara dimarahin sama yang punya gitar, akhirnya Prisa bertekad balas dendam dengan ikut ekskul gitar. Akhirnya Prisa dan temannya ikut ekskul barengan sambil balapan siapa yang nantinya lebih jago.

Tahun 2005 sampai pertengahan tahun 2006 nama Prisa cukup dikenal di scene underground bersama band metalnya, Zala. Band ini cukup menyita perhatian lantaran isi personelnya cewek semua. Tapi tidak hanya sekedar menjual image saja, skill mereka juga tidak kalah sama band-band cowok. Tahun 2006 bisa dibilang sebagai tahun emasnya Prisa dimana karirnya baik secara pribadi maupun kelompok makin sukses. Secara pribadi, ia terpilih menjadi model untuk portal gitar pertama di Indonesia, Ia juga sering disebut sebagai Miss karena selalu menjadi wakil di berbagai event dan media. Bersama bandnya, Zala, ia beberapa kali tampil di event metal underground bahkan sampai Java Jazz 2006.

Bulan Juni 2006 kemudian Prisa tergabung dalam band baru bernama Dead Squad. Di band ini ia berpasangan dengan salah satu gitaris dari keluarga Item yang juga merupakan personel Andra & The Backbone, Stevie Item. Kemudian pada bulan Juli Prisa mendapat kehormatan untuk berkolaborasi dengan salah satu maestro gitar Indonesia, Eet Sjahranie dalam penampilan Edane di PRJ. Bersama Edane, Prisa tampil membawakan lagu Cry Out dan Kau Manis Kau Ibliz. Selain itu ia juga dikontrak selama 2 bulan sebagai additional gitaris dan backing vocal untuk 'band sejuta copy', Sheila On 7, yang baru ditinggal salah satu gitarisnya. Bersama SO7 sempat tampil di SCTV dalam acara World Cup 2006 dan ikut dalam tour hingga ke Malaysia.

Bulan Juli 2007 Prisa diendorse oleh pihak Jackson Guitars. Ia dikontrak untuk menggunakan gitar Jackson DKMG Arch Top. Sebuah gebrakan yang sangat fenomenal mengingat ia adalah gitaris Indonesia pertama yang diendorse oleh Jackson.

* Data menarik seputar Prisa (2003) Additional vocal dan model video clip Seringai
* (2006 Jan) Terpilih sebagai Miss
* (2006 Mar) Tampil bersama Zala di Java Jazz
* (2006 Apr) Tampil di harian Kompas 23 April 2006 dalam artikel mengenai
* (2006 Mei) Talk show (Prisa + Mayzan) di GlobalTV dalam liputan mengenai
* (2006 Jun) Tampil bersama Sheila On 7 di Panggung World Cup sebagai additional vocal
* (2006 Jul) Tampil bersama Edane sebagai guest gitaris di PRJ (membawakan 2 lagu)
* (2006 Jul) Tampil bersama Abdee Slank dalam sebuah klinik
* (2006 Jul) Model cover majalah Gitar Plus
* (2006 Jul - Ags) Additional gitar+vocal Sheila On 7 (Promo tour album 507) hingga ke Malaysia
* (2006 Ags) Model cover majalah HAI edisi "Sekarang Giliran Anak Metal"
* (2006 Sep) Demonstran (bersama Irvan) untuk produk kabel Analysis Plus selama 4 hari di Balai Kartini
* (2006 Nov) Tampil di majalah Trax edisi 11/2006 di column 'GirlDoYouRock'
* (2006 Des) Duet bersama Mayzan di acara gathering membawakan lagu Elixir dari Marty Friedman
* (2007 Jan) di O-Chanel menampilkan Prisa
* (2007 Jan) Majalah Audio Pro menampilkan profil & wawancara Prisa
* (2007 Feb) di Black In News Trans 7 menampilkan Prisa
* (2007 Mar) Koran Tempo menampilkan profil Prisa.
* (2007 Ags) Tampil sebagai guest vocal + gitar J-Rocks untuk single Kau Curi Lagi

Kita ingin melihat Aksi prisa yang lebih heboh.. dan lebih sexy,
Jarang ada gitaris secantik Prisaa.. tetap berkaya, dan You must be the Hotest Indonesian Gitaris... hehehehehe.... Kita ingin melihat sisi lain dari prisa, melihat prisa sebagai artis indonesia yang tidak akan kalah bersaing dengan para pemain Film/sinetron, dia bisa menjadi yang terseksi.. wanna see other side of prisa.. love you

Google menyediakan foto - foto prisa bersama wanita & artis indonesia lainnya yang lebih HOT klik link di bawah ini

tentang prisa

Prisa The Cute Devil
Lompat ke Komentar

Setahu saya Prisa itu gitaris band heavymetal. Dulu dia lebih sering main bersama Zala yang personelnya cewek semua. Sekarang dia tercatat sebagai gitaris DeadSquad mendampingi Stevie Item yang juga gitaris Andra and The Backbone. Musiknya DeadSquad jelas heavymetal abis.

Prisa dan Tepi di studioBagi yang pernah denger Prisa main bakal gak percaya kalo dia tuh bener bener bisa main gitar kaya gitu. Permainan gitar Prisa bisa bikin gitaris yang lebih menekankan penampilan rambut gondrong lengkap dengan tindik dan tato jadi minder, introspeksi diri dan akhirnya tobat (berhenti minum trus lebih giat latihan).

Cover majalah Gitar plusDalam hal gitar menggitar ini Prisa yang pernah tampil dengan gitaris idola saya Eet Syahranie, terpilih sebagai gitaris pertama di Indonesia yang dikontrak oleh Jackson Guitars (produsen gitar dunia ternama) untuk menggunakan produknya (Jackson DKMG Arch Top). Selain itu Prisa juga pernah dikontrak Sheila On 7 untuk menjadi additional gitaris. Menjadi cover berbagai majalah gitar dan bahkan oleh portal ia dijuluki Miss

Feminin PrisaPenampilannya feminin, kecuali kalau ada tuntutan aksi panggung. Rambut gak dibikin harajuku, spike atat dicat, seperti layaknya anak band rock yang masih muda. Gak takut pake rok, bahkan untuk tampil diatas panggung. Kalau pakai rok selalu pakai celana dalem (ya iyalah…)

Kebanyakan untuk musisi belasan tahun khususnya metal sering terobsesi dengan kegagahan dan kegarangan aliran musik metal. Mereka sebisa mungkin mencari legitimasi bahwa metal adalah aliran darahnya. Baru bisa niru prelude gitar Slash di single Sweet Child o Mine saja sudah mau mati bangga rasanya. Gue sah jadi anak kandung metal… lu anak tiri metal.

Bagi yang memang berbakat beruntung bisa berbangga bangga tapi bagi yang kurang terpaksa melarikan diri ke berbagai aksesoris metal diantaranya rambut gondrong, celana ketat (sampe kesrimpet *iji nya), minuman keras, free sex dan akhirnya drugs. Usia muda tak lagi valid dijadikan alasan keterjerumusan. Prisa baru 19 tahun tapi berprestasi dan baik baik saja.

Saya dulu anak kost waktu kuliah di Depok tepatnya di Prawita, Margonda Raya (sekarang udah jadi mall) yang anak anaknya banyak yang ngeband. Punya seorang teman yang namanya Bayu, terobsesi abis jadi anak metal. Tampangnya metal tulen. Skill minim kalo gak bisa dibilang nol. Bersumpah metal adalah jalan hidupnya. Tapi bikin demo gak jadi jadi, udah gitu suka ngerecokin temen buat bantuin bikin demonya itu.

Banyak Bayu Bayu yang lain dan mereka inilah sebenarnya yang termasuk golongan berisiko tinggi jadi anak tiri metal. Apakah karena mereka kurang berbakat atau kurang kerja keras latihan. Saya tidak tahu. Tapi yang jelas ada orang orang orang yang lebih mudah mempelajari sesuatu dibanding yang lain.

Prisa adalah contohnya, berikut pengakuan Prisa tentang bagaimana awal mula dia belajar gitar. Hasil wawancara

Jadi ini berawal dari kisah… jaman dulu gue maen piano.. serius banget… tiba2 gue ketemu temen… gue di asrama dulu tinggalnya… dia maen piano juga… terus kita saingan… ternyata… alhasil guru piano tu lebih sayang ama gue..katanya gue lebih cepet nangkep… terus dia bete kan… dia ngambil gitar.. dia pindah maen gitar… suatu hari dia bawa gitar ke kamarnya gitu … otomatis gue penasaran kan… gue pinjem gitarnya.. eh dia marah… direbut gitarnya terus ngomong “eh jangan pegang barang orang… jangan ikut2an gue deh” akhirnya dengan penuh dendam gue beli gitar juga terus gue belajar gitar buat ngalahin dia.. :D gitu doang si awalnya…

Adalagi teman kost saya yang namanya Aditya, anak Kuningan tapi ngaku Cirebon. Jago maen keybord dan gitar. Segala macam soundtrack serial TV dia bisa, salah satu favoritnya serial Mac Gyver. Si Aditya ini tidak merasa perlu tampil metal seperti halnya Bayu. Tapi fanatik abis sama grup heavymetal Manowar. Bagi dia tidak ada band heavymetal yang lebih baik dari Manowar.

Suatu waktu teman teman ngobrol di warung Indomie mbahas musiknya Van Halen. Eh dia bilang begini: “Van Halen itu satu tingkat dibawah Manowar”. Bodo amat mau berapa tingkat kita kan mau bahas musiknya. Saking fanatiknya sama Manowar akhirnya temen temen sering panggil dia Munawar (tapi kalo lagi gak ada dia, kalo didepan dia bilang begitu dia suka cemberut trus ngambek).

Keterbukaan pandangan dan pikiran atas aliran musik justru akan membuat seorang musisi menjadi kaya akan referensi. Kalau dilihat dari sisi ini sebenarnya Aditya walaupun punya skill tapi masih tergolong anak tiri metal. Boleh jadi anak metal atau jazz atau apalah tapi kan gak harus alergi dengan genre musik lain yang sebenarnya bisa bikin permainan jadi lebih kaya dan indah.

Bahkan ada yang saking fanatiknya bilang dia terlahir sebagai anak metal. Prisa memang gitaris heavymetal tapi simak pengakuannya:

ee sebenernya.. aliran musik apa aja si suka… cuma metal itu.. gak tau yah.. suka banget… awalnya juga gak tiba2 dari kecil suka metal siy.. suka metalnya itu juga proses.. pertama dengerinnya alternative dulu… baru naek lagi grunge.. apa gitu… baru lama2 metal… gak tiba2 dari lahir suka metal gitu…. itu aja siy…

The Cute DevilHmmm.. jujur, rendah hati dan apa adanya. Ini juga salah satu faktor yang berperan penting dalam kesuksesan karir seorang musisi. Mungkin benar seorang bintang itu dilahirkan dan bukan disekolahkan. Prisa memutuskan untuk berhenti menempuh studi akademis dan konsentrasi memupuk bakat bermusik dan meniti karir di industri musik.

Prisa gak main main soal memupuk bakat bermusik itu. Mahir main gitar tidak membuatnya kehilangan minat untuk mencoba yang lain. Menjadi vokalis siapa takut. Pernah dengar single “Kau Curi Lagi”?. Video klipnya sekarang lagi sering diputar di TV.Single itu milik J-Rocks featuring Prisa. Karena single ini, J-Rocks jadi sering tampil di TV pada acara acara musik. Berikut liriknya.

Kau Curi Lagi

Di jejak langkahku
ku mau kau tak ada
Di warna hidupku yang lama tenggelam
bersama cintamu

Kuyakin tanpamu ku dapat lalui
kuharap ini kan slamanya
Kini kau datang dengan sejuta cinta abadi
rasuki diriku

Kau curi lagi

Kau genggam lagi

Kau tawan lagi hatiku yang tlah terbiasa tanpa dirimu
Kau jerat diriku

Kau yang pernah singgah
di hati yang terdalam
Kau adalah kesalahan yang membuatku
Cintai dirimu

Kau curi lagi

Kau genggam lagi

Kau tawan lagi hatiku yang tlah terbiasa tanpa dirimu
Kau jerat diriku


Kau curi lagi

Kau genggam lagi

Kau tawan lagi hatiku yang tlah terbiasa tanpa dirimu
Kau jerat diriku

Kau curi lagi

Kau genggam lagi

Kau tawan lagi hatiku yang tlah terbiasa tanpa dirimu
Kau jerat diriku

Kau curi lagi

Kau genggam lagi

Kau tawan lagi hatiku yang tlah terbiasa tanpa dirimu
Kau jerat diriku

Masih kurang dengan itu, Prisa yang bernama lengkap Prisa Adinda Arini Rianzi akan merilis album solonya dalam waktu dekat. Bukan, bukan album heavymetal tapi pop, kenapa begitu tanya sendiri sama orangnya…

Manusia Optimis versus Manusia Pesimis

hallo para sobat blogger sejati disemua belahan muka bumi tercinta ini,,,...salam bloger,.!!

Manusia Optimis versus Manusia Pesimis


Ada 2 macam manusia dalam menyikapi hidup ini, satu sikap orang yang pesimis dan ke-dua adalah orang yang bersikap optimis.

Tipe pertama orang pesimis, bagi orang pesimis kehidupannya lebih banyak dikuasai oleh pikiran yang negatif, hidup penuh kebimbangan dan keraguan, tidak yakin pada kemampuan diri sendiri, kepercayaan dirinya mudah goyah dan mudah putus asa kalau menemui kesulitan atau kegagalan, selalu mencari alasan dengan menyalahkan keadaan dan orang lain sebagai proteksi untuk membenarkan dirinya sendiri, padahal di dalam dirinya dia tahu bahwa betapa rapuh mentalnya, orang pesimis lebih percaya bahwa sukses hanyalah karena kebetulan, keberuntungan atau nasib semata.

Tentu orang dengan sikap mental pesimis seperti ini, dia telah mengidap penyakit miskin mental, jika mental kita sudah miskin, maka tidak akan mampu menciptakan prestasi yang maksimal dan mana mungkin nasib jelek bisa dirubah menjadi lebih baik.

Tipe ke 2 adalah orang optimis, bagi orang yang memiliki sikap optimis, kehidupannya didominasi oleh pikirannya yang positif, berani mengambil resiko, setiap mengambil keputusan penuh dengan keyakinan dan kepercayaan diri yang mantap. orang optimis bukanlah karena melihat jalan mulus di hadapannya, tetapi orang yang mempunyai keyakinan 100% dalam melaksanakan apa yang harus diperjuangkan, orang optimis tahu dan sadar bahwa dalam setiap proses perjuangannya pasti akan menghadapi krikiil -krikil kecil ataupun bebatuan besar yang selalu menghadang!

Orang optimis siap dan berani untuk mengatasi masalah atau kesulitan yang merintanginya, Bahkan disaat mengalami kegagalan sekalipun tidak akan membuat dia patah semangat, karena dia tau ada proses pembelajaran disetiap kegagalan yang dia alami.

Tentu orang yang punya sikap mental optimis demikian adalah orang yang memiliki kekayaan mental. dan Hanya orang yang mempunyai kekayaan mental, yang mampu mengubah nasib jelek menjadi lebih baik.

Jika anda, saya dan kita semua secara bersama-sama mampu membangun kekayaan mental dengan berkesinambungan, mampu menjalani hidup ini dengan optimis dan aktif, tentu secara langsung akan berpengaruh pada kehidupan kita pribadi serta kehidupan keluarga, dan dari kehidupan keluarga -keluarga yang semangat, optimis dan aktif akan mempengaruhi kehidupan masyarakat secara luas, yang pada akhirnya akan menjadi kekuatan sinergi sebagai kontributor dalam membangun Indonesia sekaligus mengembalikan jati diri bangsa! Kalau bukan kita yang membangun Indonesia, lalu siapa?

Salam sukses luar biasa!
Andrie Wongso

connection on Ubuntu Linux.

How to start [Configure] BSNL Broadband connection on Ubuntu Linux.
Posted by Chetan 14 October, 2008

Just few days ago, i installed UBUNTU 8.04 LTS on my laptop, as i am user of BSNL Broadband, i connected BSNL Broadband [Dataone] to my laptop for surfing the net, but i think few people face few problems while connecting to BSNL Broadband [Dataone] in Ubuntu Linux. so i am providing a quick guide or tutorial for new users to start there BSNL Boradband on Ubuntu Linux.
[Note: This guide is for LAN connection only, and not for the USB connections as many modem manufacturer doesnt provide drivers for Linux versions.]
Step 1:

Go to your Network control panel.
Follow steps : Taskbar >> System >> Administration >> Network.
Step 2:

Now you will see some thing like this

Network settings

Network settings

Then click on the Unlock button and then it will ask for Administrative password, Enter your Password. and click Authenticate so that it will unlock the locked features.
Step 3:

Click on Wired connection and then its properties, it will show you “Connection setting tab” select “Automatic configuration (DHCP)” from the list and click OK.
Step 4:

Select Point to Point connection, and go to its properties. It will pop up the pppo properties.
Check the “Enable this connection”, and select “PPPoE connection type” and Enter the account data (Username and Password)in specified boxes,

Step 5:

Go to Modem tab from same Window, select the Ethernet interface (Generally the eth0)
Go to option tab select all check boxes. and then OK. and close.

Now everytime you want to connect to net, just click on LAN Icon on taskbar and go to Dial Up connections and click on Connect to pppOe via modem and get connectiviy.

So now just start your Firefox and start browsing the internet from your Ubuntu Linux.
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vote nowBuzz up! .. Few Related posts

* Internal parts of BSNL DATAONE ADSL MODEM(DareGlobal-DB108)
* Save your Laptop Battery or Power consumption of Computer.
* Speed up Your computer start time, use Hibernation

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installed UBUNTU 8.04 LTS on my laptop

How to start [Configure] BSNL Broadband connection on Ubuntu Linux.
Posted by Chetan 14 October, 2008

Just few days ago, i installed UBUNTU 8.04 LTS on my laptop, as i am user of BSNL Broadband, i connected BSNL Broadband [Dataone] to my laptop for surfing the net, but i think few people face few problems while connecting to BSNL Broadband [Dataone] in Ubuntu Linux. so i am providing a quick guide or tutorial for new users to start there BSNL Boradband on Ubuntu Linux.
[Note: This guide is for LAN connection only, and not for the USB connections as many modem manufacturer doesnt provide drivers for Linux versions.]
Step 1:

Go to your Network control panel.
Follow steps : Taskbar >> System >> Administration >> Network.
Step 2:

Now you will see some thing like this

Network settings

Network settings

Then click on the Unlock button and then it will ask for Administrative password, Enter your Password. and click Authenticate so that it will unlock the locked features.
Step 3:

Click on Wired connection and then its properties, it will show you “Connection setting tab” select “Automatic configuration (DHCP)” from the list and click OK.
Step 4:

Select Point to Point connection, and go to its properties. It will pop up the pppo properties.
Check the “Enable this connection”, and select “PPPoE connection type” and Enter the account data (Username and Password)in specified boxes,

Step 5:

Go to Modem tab from same Window, select the Ethernet interface (Generally the eth0)
Go to option tab select all check boxes. and then OK. and close.

Now everytime you want to connect to net, just click on LAN Icon on taskbar and go to Dial Up connections and click on Connect to pppOe via modem and get connectiviy.

So now just start your Firefox and start browsing the internet from your Ubuntu Linux.
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vote nowBuzz up! .. Few Related posts

* Internal parts of BSNL DATAONE ADSL MODEM(DareGlobal-DB108)
* Save your Laptop Battery or Power consumption of Computer.
* Speed up Your computer start time, use Hibernation

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Indian music industry - The Bollywood

Indian music industry - The Bollywood

A well known fact, Bollywood is growing like anything not only in India but also all around the world. It has been appreciated in many countries. The movie Taare Zameen Par was liked by the while world and brought tears in the eyes of the masses. It became so popular that a remake of it is being made by popular Hollywood producers. This makes India feel proud that Hindi Media is that great. The most important factor for the success of a Bollywood movie or any other media is it's music. If the music of the film or drama touches the hearts of people it becomes quite confirmed that the movie will also be a success. Now with the growth on technology it has become so easy to download all the heart touching music.

Bollymp3 has brought the Hindi Music to your doorstep. Instead of going to market to buy Hindi albums you can simply download the songs from Internet. Thanks to the!
Bollymp3 is the fastest emerging MP3 network of India and Pakistan. You can
download all the latest songs from Bollywood movies, TV-Serials (Dill Mill Gayye, Kayamath, Kaisa Yeh Pyar Hai and more), Pop/Remix albums (like Ya Rabba from Kailash Kher), and other great hits from Pakistani music. All these songs are encoded the high quality MP3 format which provides you best quality at limited size. All these songs can be downloaded at high speeds from a High Bandwidth Server. So, Visit Bollymp3 and Start downloading Hindi MP3 Songs.

Posted by Chetan at 12:09 PM 0 comments

Labels: bollywood, download, music

Nokia is re-launching N-Gage

Nokia is re-launching N-Gage concept

Nokia N-Gage, the gamers love, is now back, but without its older handset. Nokia (one of the largest selling brand) is now re-launching the concept of N-Gage with its new handsets like N81, N82, N95 and few more models are in coming soon list, thats really bad news that N-Gage is currently launched for specific handsets only. and my Nokia N72 is not in the list :(.
The Nokia is now specific to its new technologies, they are planning with some techniques to insure there future productivity. Nokia's new handsets are coming with Symbian 60 3rd edition operating system and most of the products are now focused to S60 3rd edition. The older handsets does not support big ringtones, while the newer handsets are very much flexible , they support full songs in them as ringtone.
Now Apple is also launching its I-phone worldwide, so its one of the major shock for Nokia, Nokia is now working towards making competitive handsets. Rumors are also there that Google is planning for G-Phone but i dont have any specific idea about this G-Phone.
Lets see what happens, in all matters we are in profit because we are getting latest and good technologies in lesser cost.
What you think ?

Posted by Chetan at 12:14 AM 1 comments

Labels: apple, gadgets, Iphone, Nokia

How do i do Online payments ?

How do i do Online payments ?

Recently i posted a article about Online shopping, many of my readers asked me about the online payment methods, how to send the money to the e-shops (Websites, offcource ..!)One of the biggest concern of online users is protection against hackers, and online payments need security of extra level because of Money transfers, No one wants there money to given away.
Giving direct credit card details to the unknown websites may be harmfull sometimes, but there are few services like Paysimple which makes this task very simple. No need to expose your Credit card details to shopping sites, just do direct online payments with higher security. To use this service you have to create a account at Paysimple, register your self, and do secure online payments.
PaySimple uses Secured Socket Layer (SSL) security which protects all your sensitive data like credit card numbers, bank account details from hackers, everything is encrypted (Even if hackers get that data decryption of that data is almost impossible for them).
If you are a online seller, of if you want to sell something online just create a Merchant account at paySimple and take secure payments from your customers, There is one more type of account called ACH Merchant account which enables you to Directly debit customer bank accounts.

So now, online payments are very simple and mainly secure.
Happy shopping.... :)

There are almost boundless opportunities in franchise business

Business adventures almost like sailing to the deep waters. You won’t know what’s ahead and always taking risk is a part of life. If your ship is not equipped with latest tools, you might just increase the risk of your path. Every business ventures needs to diversify their streams of support in order to survive.

You can check out the opportunities on franchising industry where an initial investment starts from as low as $1,000. Yes, you are heard me right. From one thousand dollars you can now start franchising opportunities to expand your business. Check out low cost franchises opportunities. Some of the companies established earlier than 1985 and having more than 500+ units of franchise in all 50 US states and 12 CA provinces.

Home business is a growing trend in today’s business ventures. Most of the housewife kills their boring time at home doing some home business that can add more revenues to the family. Some economic specialist also predicts that by 2020, about 70% of US people will work from home. This shows that the trend is moving towards home business now. If you are already in home business field, check out home based businesses opportunities in FranchiseGenius.

You can work from home doing franchise business. Hundreds of home based franchise business opportunities available for you to make some serious money. As you can see, famous companies like WSI Consultants that ranked #1, 6 years in a row, in Entrepreneur magazine’s “Franchise Top 500” and world’s largest Internet Consultants network offering you opportunities.

Any business needs advertisement. With franchise business, we don’t have to splash money on huge advertising. You can even start children’s businesses like child care, drawing or music classes, etc. Working parents always seek a safe and educating place during office hours for early age children. You can tap into this business opportunity by offering excellent services that ease parent’s burden.

There are almost boundless opportunities in franchise business.

Sebelum menikah dan setelah menikah

Sebelum menikah dan setelah menikah

Before marriage. Darling here.. darling there... After marriage. Baling here... baling there..

Before marriage. I die for you. . . After marriage. "You die, up to you. " udah lama married. You die I help you!

Before marriage. You go anywhere. . I follow you. After marriage. . You go anywhere. . up to you . Lagi lama married. You go anywhere better get lost!!

Before wedding you are my heart, you are my love" After wedding "you get on my nerves. "

Before wedding "you are sweet and kind just like Cinderella" After wedding "you are worse than godzila"

Before wedding Roses are red, violets are blue. Like it or not, I'm stuck with you After wedding Roses are dead, I am blue. You get on my head, I will sue you

Before wedding Every makan he brings you to Shangri-La After wedding You want to go, he says you wait-la

Before wedding She looks like Anita Sarawak After wedding Don't know whether katak or biawak

Send instant messages to your online friends who need a good laugh...................... esp if they are married......... !!!

Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008

server profile editor

Customizing HotSpot: HTTP Servlet Pages


You can create a completely different set of servlet pages for each HotSpot server you have, specifying the directory it will be stored in html-directory property of a HotSpot server profile (/ip hotspot profile). The default servlet pages are copied in the directory of your choice right after you create the profile. This directory can be accessed by connecting to the router with an FTP client. You can modify the pages as you like using the information from this section of the manual.

Available Servlet Pages

Main HTML servlet pages, which are shown to user:

  • redirect.html - redirects user to another url (for example, to login page)
  • login.html - login page shown to a user to ask for username and password. This page may take the following parameters:
    • username - username
    • password - either plain-text password (in case of PAP authentication) or MD5 hash of chap-id variable, password and CHAP challenge (in case of CHAP authentication)
    • dst - original URL requested before the redirect. This will be opened on successfull login
    • popup - whether to pop-up a status window on successfull login
    • radius - send the attribute identified with in text string form to the RADIUS server (in case RADIUS authentication is used; lost otherwise)
    • radiusu - send the attribute identified with in unsigned form to the RADIUS server (in case RADIUS authentication is used; lost otherwise)
    • radius- - send the attribute identified with and vendor ID in text string form to the RADIUS server (in case RADIUS authentication is used; lost otherwise)
    • radius-u - send the attribute identified with and vendor ID in unsigned form to the RADIUS server (in case RADIUS authentication is used; lost otherwise)
  • md5.js - JavaScript for MD5 password hashing. Used together with http-chap login method
  • alogin.html - page shown after client has logged in. It pops-up status page and redirects browser to originally requested page (before he/she was redirected to the HotSpot login page)
  • status.html - status page, shows statistics for the client
  • logout.html - logout page, shown after user is logged out. Shows final statistics about the finished session. This page may take the folllowing additional parameters:
    • erase-cookie - whether to erase cookies from the HotSpot server on logout (makes impossible to log in with cookie next time from the same browser, might be useful in multiuser environments)
  • error.html - error page, shown on fatal errors only

Some other pages are available as well, if more control is needed:

  • rlogin.html - page, which redirects client from some other URL to the login page, if authorization of the client is required to access that URL
  • rstatus.html - similarly to rlogin.html, only in case if the client is already logged in and the original URL is not known
  • flogin.html - shown instead of login.html, if some error has happened (invalid username or password, for example)
  • fstatus.html - shown instead of redirect, if status page is requested, but client is not logged in
  • flogout.html - shown instead of redirect, if logout page is requested, but client is not logged in
Serving Servlet Pages

The HotSpot servlet recognizes 5 different request types:

  1. request for a remote host
    • if user is logged in, the requested page is served
    • if user is not logged in, but the destination host is allowed by walled garden, then the request is also served
    • if user is not logged in, and the destination host is disallowed by walled garden, rlogin.html is displayed; if rlogin.html is not found, redirect.html is used to redirect to the login page
  2. request for "/" on the HotSpot host
    • if user is logged in, rstatus.html is displayed; if rstatus.html is not found, redirect.html is used to redirect to the status page
    • if user is not logged in, rlogin.html is displayed; if rlogin.html is not found, redirect.html is used to redirect to the login page
  3. request for "/login" page
    • if user has successfully logged in (or is already logged in), alogin.html is displayed; if alogin.html is not found, redirect.html is used to redirect to the originally requested page or the status page (in case, original destination page was not given)
    • if user is not logged in (username was not supplied, no error message appeared), login.html is showed
    • if login procedure has failed (error message is supplied), flogin.html is displayed; if flogin.html is not found, login.html is used
    • in case of fatal errors, error.html is showed
  4. request for "/status" page
    • if user is logged in, status.html is displayed
    • if user is not logged in, fstatus.html is displayed; if fstatus.html is not found, redirect.html is used to redirect to the login page
  5. request for '/logout' page
    • if user is logged in, logout.html is displayed
    • if user is not logged in, flogout.html is displayed; if flogout.html is not found, redirect.html is used to redirect to the login page

Note that if it is not possible to meet a request using the pages stored on the router's FTP server, Error 404 is displayed

There are many possibilities to customize what the HotSpot authentication pages look like:

  • The pages are easily modifiable. They are stored on the router's FTP server in the directory you choose for the respective HotSpot server profile.
  • By changing the variables, which client sends to the HotSpot servlet, it is possible to reduce keyword count to one (username or password; for example, the client's MAC address may be used as the other value) or even to zero (License Agreement; some predefined values general for all users or client's MAC address may be used as username and password)
  • Registration may occur on a different server (for example, on a server that is able to charge Credit Cards). Client's MAC address may be passed to it, so that this information need not be written in manually. After the registration, the server may change RADIUS database enabling client to log in for some amount of time.

To insert variable in some place in HTML file, the $(var_name) syntax is used, where the "var_name" is the name of the variable (without quotes). This construction may be used in any HotSpot HTML file accessed as '/', '/login', '/status' or '/logout', as well as any text or HTML file stored on the HotSpot server. For example, to show a link to the login page, following construction can be used:


All of the Servlet HTML pages use variables to show user specific values. Variable names appear only in the HTML source of the servlet pages - they are automatically replaced with the respective values by the HotSpot Servlet. For each variable there is an example of its possible value included in brackets. All the described variables are valid in all servlet pages, but some of them just might be empty at the time they are accesses (for example, there is no uptime before a user has logged in).

  • Common server variables:
    • hostname - DNS name or IP address (if DNS name is not given) of the HotSpot Servlet ("")
    • identity - RouterOS identity name ("MikroTik")
    • login-by - authentication method used by user
    • plain-passwd - a "yes/no" representation of whether HTTP-PAP login method is allowed ("no")
    • server-address - HotSpot server address ("")
    • server-name - name of hotspot server
    • ssl-login - a "yes/no" representation of whether HTTPS method was used to access that servlet page ("no")
    • server-name - HotSpot server name (set in the /ip hotspot menu, as the name property)
    • interface-name - physical HotSpot interface name (in case of bridged interfaces, this will return the actual bridge port name)
  • Links:
    • link-login - link to login page including original URL requested ("")
    • link-login-plain - link to login page, not including original URL requested ("")
    • link-logout - link to logout page ("")
    • link-status - link to status page ("")
    • link-orig - original URL requested ("")
  • General client information
    • domain - domain name of the user ("")
    • interface-name - name of the physical interface, on which client is connected (in case of bridge, it will contain the name of bridge port)
    • ip - IP address of the client ("")
    • logged-in - "yes" if the user is logged in, otherwise - "no" ("yes")
    • mac - MAC address of the user ("01:23:45:67:89:AB")
    • trial - a "yes/no" representation of whether the user has access to trial time. If users trial time has expired, the value is "no"
    • username - the name of the user ("John")
  • User status information:
    • idle-timeout - idle timeout ("20m" or "" if none)
    • idle-timeout-secs - idle timeout in seconds ("88" or "0" if there is such timeout)
    • limit-bytes-in - byte limit for send ("1000000" or "---" if there is no limit)
    • limit-bytes-out - byte limit for receive ("1000000" or "---" if there is no limit)
    • refresh-timeout - status page refresh timeout ("1m30s" or "" if none)
    • refresh-timeout-secs - status page refresh timeout in seconds ("90s" or "0" if none)
    • session-timeout - session time left for the user ("5h" or "" if none)
    • session-timeout-secs - session time left for the user, in seconds ("3475" or "0" if there is such timeout)
    • session-time-left - session time left for the user ("5h" or "" if none)
    • session-time-left-secs - session time left for the user, in seconds ("3475" or "0" if there is such timeout)
    • uptime - current session uptime ("10h2m33s")
    • uptime-secs - current session uptime in seconds ("125")
  • Traffic counters, which are available only in status page:
    • bytes-in - number of bytes received from the user ("15423")
    • bytes-in-nice - user-friendly form of number of bytes received from the user ("15423")
    • bytes-out - number of bytes sent to the user ("11352")
    • bytes-out-nice - user-friendly form of number of bytes sent to the user ("11352")
    • packets-in - number of packets received from the user ("251")
    • packets-out - number of packets sent to the user ("211")
    • remain-bytes-in - remaining bytes until limit-bytes-in will be reached ("337465" or "---" if there is no limit)
    • remain-bytes-out - remaining bytes until limit-bytes-out will be reached ("124455" or "---" if there is no limit)
  • Miscellaneous variables
    • session-id - value of 'session-id' parameter in the last request
    • var - value of 'var' parameter in the last request
    • error - error message, if something failed ("invalid username or password")
    • error-orig - original error message (without translations retrieved from errors.txt), if something failed ("invalid username or password")
    • chap-id - value of chap ID ("\371")
    • chap-challenge - value of chap challenge ("\357\015\330\013\021\234\145\245\303\253\142\246\133\175\375\316")
    • popup - whether to pop-up checkbox ("true" or "false")
    • advert-pending - whether an advertisement is pending to be displayed ("yes" or "no")
  • RADIUS-related variables
    • radius - show the attribute identified with in text string form (in case RADIUS authentication was used; "" otherwise)
    • radiusu - show the attribute identified with in unsigned form (in case RADIUS authentication was used; "0" otherwise)
    • radius- - show the attribute identified with and vendor ID in text string form (in case RADIUS authentication was used; "" otherwise)
    • radius-u - show the attribute identified with and vendor ID in unsigned form (in case RADIUS authentication was used; "0" otherwise)
Working with variables

$(if ) statements can be used in theses pages. Following content will be included, if value of will not be an empty string. It is an equivalent to $(if != "") It is possible to compare on equivalence as well: $(if == ) These statements have effect until $(elif ), $(else) or $(endif). In general case it looks like this:

some content, which will always be displayed

$(if username == john)
Hey, your username is john
$(elif username == dizzy)
Hello, Dizzy! How are you? Your administrator.
$(elif ip ==
You are sitting at that crappy computer, which is damn slow...
$(elif mac == 00:01:02:03:04:05)
This is an ethernet card, which was stolen few months ago...
I don't know who you are, so lets live in peace.
other content, which will always be displayed

Only one of those expressions will be shown. Which one - depends on values of those variables for each client.

Customizing Error Messages

All error messages are stored in the errors.txt file within the respective HotSpot servlet directory. You can change and translate all these messages to your native language. To do so, edit the errors.txt file. You can also use variables in the messages. All instructions are given in that file.

Multiple Versions of HotSpot Pages

Multiple hotspot page sets for the same hotspot server are supported. They can be chosen by user (to select language) or automatically by JavaScript (to select PDA/regular version of HTML pages).

To utilize this feature, create subdirectories in HotSpot HTML directory, and place those HTML files, which are different, in that subdirectory. For example, to translate everything in Latvian, subdirectory "lv" can be created with login.html, logout.html, status.html, alogin.html, radvert.html and errors.txt files, which are translated into Latvian. If the requested HTML page can not be found in the requested subdirectory, the corresponding HTML file from the main directory will be used. Then main login.html file would contain link to "/lv/login?dst=$(link-orig-esc)", which then displays Latvian version of login page: Latviski . And Latvian version would contain link to English version: English

Another way of referencing directories is to specify 'target' variable:



After preferred directory has been selected (for example, "lv"), all links to local HotSpot pages will contain that path (for example, $(link-status) = ""). So, if all hotspot pages reference links using "$(link-xxx)" variables, then no more changes are to be made - each client will stay within the selected directory all the time.


If you want to use HTTP-CHAP authentication method it is supposed that you include the doLogin() function (which references to the md5.js which must be already loaded) before the Submit action of the login form. Otherwise, CHAP login will fail.

The resulting password to be sent to the HotSpot gateway in case of HTTP-CHAP method, is formed MD5-hashing the concatenation of the following: chap-id, the password of the user and chap-challenge (in the given order)

In case if variables are to be used in link directly, then they must be escaped accordingly. For example, in login page, link will not work as intended, if username will be "123&456=1 2". In this case instead of $(user), its escaped version must be used: $(user-esc): link. Now the same username will be converted to "123%26456%3D1+2", which is the valid representation of "123&456=1 2" in URL. This trick may be used with any variables, not only with $(username).

There is a boolean parameter "erase-cookie" to the logout page, which may be either "on" or "true" to delete user cookie on logout (so that the user would not be automatically logged on when he/she opens a browser next time.


With basic HTML language knowledge and the examples below it should be easy to implement the ideas described above.

  • To provide predefined value as username, in login.html change:

    to this line:

    (where hsuser is the username you are providing)

  • To provide predefined value as password, in login.html change:

    to this line:

    (where hspass is the password you are providing)

  • To send client's MAC address to a registration server in form of:


    change the Login button link in login.html to:


    (you should correct the link to point to your server)

  • To show a banner after user login, in alogin.html after

    $(if popup == 'true')

    add the following line:

    open('http://your.web.server/your-banner-page.html', 'my-banner-name','');

    (you should correct the link to point to the page you want to show)

  • To choose different page shown after login, in login.html change:

    to this line:

    (you should correct the link to point to your server)

  • To erase the cookie on logoff, in the page containing link to the logout (for example, in status.html) change:

    open('$(link-logout)', 'hotspot_logout', ...

    to this:

    open('$(link-logout)?erase-cookie=on', 'hotspot_logout', ...

    or alternatively add this line:

    before this one:

An another example is making HotSpot to authenticate on a remote server (which may, for example, perform creditcard charging):

  • Allow direct access to the external server in walled-garden (either HTTP-based, or IP-based)
  • Modify login page of the HotSpot servlet to redirect to the external authentication server. The external server should modify RADIUS database as needed

    Here is an example of such a login page to put on the HotSpot router (it is redirecting to, replace with the actual address of an external authentication server):


  • The external server can log in a HotSpot client by redirecting it back to the original HotSpot servlet login page, specifying the correct username and password

    Here is an example of such a page (it is redirecting to, replace with the actual address of a HotSpot router; also, it is displaying after successful login, replace with what needed):

    Hotspot login page

  • Hotspot will ask RADIUS server whether to allow the login or not. If not allowed, alogin.html page will be displayed (it can be modified to do anything!). If not allowed, flogin.html (or login.html) page will be displayed, which will redirect client back to the external authentication server.
  • Note: as shown in these examples, HTTPS protocol and POST method can be used to secure communications.

Possible Error Messages


There are two kinds of errors: fatal non-fatal. Fatal errors are shown on a separate HTML page called error.html. Non-fatal errors are basically indicating incorrect user actions and are shown on the login form.

General non-fatal errors:

  • You are not logged in - trying to access the status page or log off while not logged in. Solution: log in
  • already authorizing, retry later - authorization in progress. Client already has issued an authorization request which is not yet complete. Solution: wait for the current request to be completed, and then try again
  • chap-missing = web browser did not send challenge response (try again, enable JavaScript) - trying to log in with HTTP-CHAP method using MD5 hash, but HotSpot server does not know the challenge used for the hash. This may happen if you use BACK buttons in browser; if JavaScript is not enabled in web browser; if login.html page is not valid; or if challenge value has expired on server (more than 1h of inactivity). Solution: instructing browser to reload (refresh) the login page usually helps if JavaScript is enabled and login.html page is valid
  • invalid username ($(username)): this MAC address is not yours - trying to log in using a MAC address username different from the actual user's MAC address. Solution: no - users with usernames that look like a MAC address (eg., 12:34:56:78:9a:bc) may only log in from the MAC address specified as their user name
  • session limit reached ($(error-orig)) - depending on licence number of active hotspot clients is limited to some number. The error is displayed when this limit is reached. Solution: try to log in later when there will be less concurrent user sessions, or buy an another license that allows more simultaneous sessions
  • hotspot service is shutting down - RouterOS is currently being restarted or shut down. Solution: wait until the service will be available again

General fatal errors:

  • internal error ($(error-orig)) - this should never happen. If it will, error page will be shown displaying this error message (error-orig will describe what has happened). Solution: correct the error reported
  • configuration error ($(error-orig)) - the HotSpot server is not configured properly (error-orig will describe what has happened). Solution: correct the error reported
  • cannot assign ip address - no more free addresses from pool - unable to get an IP address from an IP pool as there is no more free IP addresses in that pool. Solution: make sure there is a sufficient amount of free IP addresses in IP pool

Local HotSpot user database non-fatal errors:

  • invalid username or password - self-explanatory
  • user $(username) is not allowed to log in from this MAC address - trying to log in from a MAC address different from specified in user database. Solution: log in from the correct MAC address or take out the limitation
  • user $(username) has reached uptime limit - self-explanatory
  • user $(username) has reached traffic limit - either limit-bytes-in or limit-bytes-out limit is reached
  • no more sessions are allowed for user $(username) - the shared-users limit for the user's profile is reached. Solution: wait until someone with this username logs out, use different login name or extend the shared-users limit

RADIUS client non-fatal errors:

  • invalid username or password - RADIUS server has rejected the username and password sent to it without specifying a reason. Cause: either wrong username and/or password, or other error. Solution: should be clarified in RADIUS server's log files
  • - this may be any message (any text string) sent back by RADIUS server. Consult with your RADIUS server's documentation for further information

RADIUS client fatal errors:

  • RADIUS server is not responding - user is being authenticated by RADIUS server, but no response is received from it. Solution: check whether the RADIUS server is running and is reachable from the HotSpot router

HotSpot How-to's


This section will focus on some simple examples of how to use your HotSpot system, as well as give some useful ideas.

Setting up https authorization

At first certificate must be present with decrypted private key:

[admin@MikroTik] > /certificate print

Flags: K - decrypted-private-key, Q - private-key, R - rsa, D - dsa
0 KR name=""
invalid-before=oct/27/2004 11:43:22 invalid-after=oct/27/2005 11:43:22

Then we can use that certificate for hotspot:

/ip hotspot profile set default login-by=cookie,http-chap,https \

After that we can see, that HTTPS is running on hotspot interface:

[admin@MikroTik] > /ip hotspot print

Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, S - HTTPS
0 S hs-local local default 00:05:00
Bypass hotspot for some devices in hotspot network

All IP binding entries with type property set to bypassed, will not be asked to authorize - it means that they will have login-free access:

[admin@MikroTik] ip hotspot ip-binding> print

Flags: X - disabled, P - bypassed, B - blocked
0 P

If all fields has been filled in the ip-binding table and type has been set to bypassed, then the IP address of this entry will be accessible from public interfaces immediately:

[admin@MikroTik] ip hotspot ip-binding> print

Flags: X - disabled, P - bypassed, B - blocked
0 P
1 P 00:01:02:03:04:05 hs-local
[admin@MikroTik] ip hotspot ip-binding> .. host print
Flags: S - static, H - DHCP, D - dynamic, A - authorized, P - bypassed
0 SB 00:01:02:03:04:05 hs-local

Interface Setup

HotSpot Interface Setup

Submenu level: /ip hotspot


HotSpot system is put on individual interfaces. You can run completely different HotSpot configurations on different interfaces

Property Description

addresses-per-mac (integer | unlimited; default: 2) - number of IP addresses allowed to be bind with any particular MAC address (it is a small chance to reduce denial of service attack based on taking over all free IP addresses)
unlimited - number of IP addresses per one MAC address is not limited
address-pool (name | none; default: none) - IP address pool name for performing one-to-one NAT. You can choose not to use the one-to-one NAT
none - do not perform one-to-one NAT for the clients of this HotSpot interface
HTTPS (read-only: flag) - whether the HTTPS service is actually running on the interface (i.e., it is set up in the server profile, and a valid certificate is imported in the router)idle-timeout (time | none; default: 00:05:00) - idle timeout (maximal period of inactivity) for unauthorized clients. It is used to detect, that client is not using outer networks (e.g. Internet), i.e., there is NO TRAFFIC coming from that client and going through the router. Reaching the timeout, user will be dropped of the host list, and the address used buy the user will be freed
none - do not timeout idle users
interface (name) - interface to run HotSpot onip-of-dns-name (read-only: IP address) - IP address of the HotSpot gateway's DNS name set in the HotSpot interface profilekeepalive-timeout (time | none; default: none) - keepalive timeout for unauthorized clients. Used to detect, that the computer of the client is alive and reachable. If check will fail during this period, user will be dropped of the host list, and the address used buy the user will be freed
none - do not timeout unreachable users
profile (name; default: default) - default HotSpot profile for the interface

Command Description

reset-html (name) - overwrite the existing HotSpot servlet with the original HTML files. It is used if you have changed the servlet and it is not working after that


addresses-per-mac property works only if address pool is defined. Also note that in case you are authenticating users connected through a router, than all the IP addresses will seem to have come from one MAC address.


To add HotSpot system to the local interface, allowing the system to do one-to-one NAT for each client (addresses from the HS-real address pool will be used for the NAT):

[admin@MikroTik] ip hotspot> add interface=local address-pool=HS-real
[admin@MikroTik] ip hotspot> print
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, S - HTTPS
0 hs-local local HS-real default 00:05:00
[admin@MikroTik] ip hotspot>

HotSpot Server Profiles

Submenu level: /ip hotspot profile

Property Description

dns-name (text) - DNS name of the HotSpot server. This is the DNS name used as the name of the HotSpot server (i.e., it appears as the location of the login page). This name will automatically be added as a static DNS entry in the DNS cachehotspot-address (IP address; default: - IP address for HotSpot servicehtml-directory (text; default: "") - name of the directory (accessible with FTP), which stores the HTML servlet pages (when changed, the default pages are automatically copied into specified directory if it does not exist already)http-cookie-lifetime (time; default: 3d) - validity time of HTTP cookieshttp-proxy (IP address; default: - the address of the proxy server the HotSpot service will use as a proxy server for all those requests intercepted by Universal Proxy system and not defined in the /ip proxy direct list. If not specified, the address defined in parent-proxy parameter of /ip proxy. If that is absent too, the request will be resolved by the local proxylogin-by (multiple choice: cookie | http-chap | http-pap | https | mac | trial; default: cookie,http-chap) - which authentication methods to use
cookie - use HTTP cookies to authenticate, without asking user credentials. Other method will be used in case the client does not have cookie, or the stored username and password pair are not valid anymore since the last authentication. May only be used together with other HTTP authentication methods (HTTP-PAP, HTTP-CHAP or HTTPS), as in the other case there would be no way for the cookies to be generated in the first place
http-chap - use CHAP challenge-response method with MD5 hashing algorithm for hashing passwords. This way it is possible to avoid sending clear-text passwords over an insecure network. This is the default authentication method
http-pap - use plain-text authentication over the network. Please note that in case this method will be used, your user passwords will be exposed on the local networks, so it will be possible to intercept them
https - use encrypted SSL tunnel to transfer user communications with the HotSpot server. Note that in order this to work, a valid certificate must be imported into the router (see a separate manual on certificate management)
mac - try to use client's MAC address first as its username. If the matching MAC address exists in the local user database or on the RADIUS server, the client will be authenticated without asking to fill the login form
trial - does not require authentication for a certain amount of time
radius-accounting (yes | no; default: yes) - whether to send RADIUS server accounting information on each user once in a while (the "while" is defined in the radius-interim-update property)radius-default-domain (text; default: "") - default domain to use for RADIUS requests. It allows to select different RADIUS servers depending on HotSpot server profile, but may be handful for single RADIUS server as well.radius-interim-update (time | received; default: received) - how often to sent cumulative accounting reports.
0s - same as received
received - use whatever value received from the RADIUS server
rate-limit (text; default: "") - Rate limitation in form of rx-rate[/tx-rate] [rx-burst-rate[/tx-burst-rate] [rx-burst-threshold[/tx-burst-threshold] [rx-burst-time[/tx-burst-time]]]] from the point of view of the router (so "rx" is client upload, and "tx" is client download). All rates should be numbers with optional 'k' (1,000s) or 'M' (1,000,000s). If tx-rate is not specified, rx-rate is as tx-rate too. Same goes for tx-burst-rate and tx-burst-threshold and tx-burst-time. If both rx-burst-threshold and tx-burst-threshold are not specified (but burst-rate is specified), rx-rate and tx-rate is used as burst thresholds. If both rx-burst-time and tx-burst-time are not specified, 1s is used as defaultsmtp-server (IP address; default: - default SMTP server to be used to redirect unconditionally all user SMTP requests tosplit-user-domain (yes | no; default: no) - whether to split username from domain name when the username is given in "user@domain" or in "domain\user" formatssl-certificate (name | none; default: none) - name of the SSL certificate to use for HTTPS authentication. Not used for other authentication methodstrial-uptime (time/time; default: 30m/1d) - is used only when authentication method is trial. Specifies the amount of time the user identified by MAC address can use hotspot services without authentication and the time, that has to pass that the user is allowed to use hotspot services againtrial-user-profile (name; default: default) - is used only only when authentication method is trial. Specifies user profile, that trial users will useuse-radius (yes | no; default: no) - whether to use RADIUS to authenticate HotSpot users


If dns-name property is not specified, hotspot-address is used instead. If hotspot-address is also absent, then both are to be detected automatically.

In order to use RADIUS authentication, the /radius menu must be set up accordingly.

Trial authentication method should allways be used together with one of the other authentication methods.


HotSpot User Profiles

Submenu level: /ip hotspot user profile


Article moved to: HotSpot AAA section

HotSpot Users

Submenu level: /ip hotspot user


Article moved to: HotSpot AAA section

HotSpot Active Users

Submenu level: /ip hotspot active


Article moved to: HotSpot AAA section

HotSpot Cookies

Submenu level: /ip hotspot cookie


Cookies can be used for authentication in the Hotspot service

Property Description

domain (read-only: text) - domain name (if split from username)expires-in (read-only: time) - how long the cookie is validmac-address (read-only: MAC address) - user's MAC addressuser (read-only: name) - username


There can be multiple cookies with the same MAC address. For example, there will be a separate cookie for each web browser on the same computer.

Cookies can expire - that's the way how it is supposed to be. Default validity time for cookies is 3 days (72 hours), but it can be changed for each individual HotSpot server profile, for example :

/ip hotspot profile set default http-cookie-lifetime=1d


To get the list of valid cookies:

[admin@MikroTik] ip hotspot cookie> print
0 ex 01:23:45:67:89:AB 23h54m16s
[admin@MikroTik] ip hotspot cookie>

HTTP-level Walled Garden

Submenu level: /ip hotspot walled-garden


Walled garden is a system which allows unauthorized use of some resources, but requires authorization to access other resources. This is useful, for example, to give access to some general information about HotSpot service provider or billing options.

This menu only manages Walled Garden for HTTP and HTTPS protocols. Other protocols can also be included in Walled Garden, but that is configured elsewhere (in /ip hotspot walled-garden ip; see the next section of this manual for details)

Property Description

action (allow | deny; default: allow) - action to undertake if a packet matches the rule:
allow - allow the access to the page without prior authorization
deny - the authorization is required to access this page
dst-address (IP address) - IP address of the destination web serverdst-host (wildcard; default: "") - domain name of the destination web server (this is a wildcard)dst-port (integer; default: "") - the TCP port a client has send the request tomethod (text) - HTTP method of the requestpath (text; default: "") - the path of the request (this is a wildcard)server (name) - name of the HotSpot server this rule applied tosrc-address (IP address) - IP address of the user sending the request


Wildcard properties (dst-host and dst-path) match a complete string (i.e., they will not match "" if they are set to "example"). Available wildcards are '*' (match any number of any characters) and '?' (match any one character). Regular expressions are also accepted here, but if the property should be treated as a regular expression, it should start with a colon (':').

Small hits in using regular expressions:

  • \\ symbol sequence is used to enter \ character in console
  • \. pattern means . only (in regular expressions single dot in pattern means any symbol)
  • to show that no symbols are allowed before the given pattern, we use ^ symbol at the beginning of the pattern
  • to specify that no symbols are allowed after the given pattern, we use $ symbol at the end of the pattern

You can not use path property for HTTPS requests as router can not (and should not - that is what the HTTPS protocol was made for!) decrypt the request.


To allow unauthorized requests to the domain's /paynow.html page:

[admin@MikroTik] ip hotspot walled-garden> add path="/paynow.html" \
\... dst-host=""
[admin@MikroTik] ip hotspot walled-garden> print
Flags: X - disabled, D - dynamic
0 dst-host="" path="/paynow.html" action=allow
[admin@MikroTik] ip hotspot walled-garden>

IP-level Walled Garden

Submenu level: /ip hotspot walled-garden ip


This menu is manages Walled Garden for generic IP requests. See the previous section for managing HTTP and HTTPS protocol specific properties (like the actual DNS name, HTTP method and path used in requests).

Property Description

action (accept | drop | reject; default: accept) - action to undertake if a packet matches the rule:
accept - allow the access to the page without prior authorization
drop - the authorization is required to access this page
reject - the authorization is required to access this page, in case the page will be accsessed withot authorization ICMP reject message host-unreachable will be generated
dst-address (IP address) - IP address of the destination web serverdst-host (text; default: "") - domain name of the destination web server (this is not a regular expression or a wildcard of any kind). The DNS name specified is resolved to a list of IP addresses when the rule is added, and all those IP addresses are useddst-port (integer; default: "") - the TCP or UDP port (protocol MUST be specified explicitly in the protocol property) a client has send the request toprotocol (integer | ddp egp encap ggp gre hmp icmp idpr-cmtp igmp ipencap ipip ipsec-ah ipsec-esp iso-tp4 ospf pup rdp rspf st tcp udp vmtp xns-idp xtp) - IP protocol nameserver (name) - name of the HotSpot server this rule applied tosrc-address (IP address) - IP address of the user sending the request

Quick Setup Guide

HotSpot Gateway

Document revision:4.2 (Tue Jul 04 14:49:38 GMT 2006)
Applies to: V2.9

General Information


The MikroTik HotSpot Gateway enables providing of public network access for clients using wireless or wired network connections.

HotSpot Gateway features:

  • authentication of clients using local client database, or RADIUS server
  • accounting using local database, or RADIUS server
  • Walled-garden system (accessing some web pages without authorization)

Quick Setup Guide

The most noticeable difference in user experience setting up HotSpot system in version 2.9 from the previous RouterOS versions is that it has become in order of magnitude easier to set up a correctly working HotSpot system.

Given a router with two interfaces: Local (where HotSpot clients are connected to) and Public, which is connected to the Internet. To set up HotSpot on the Local interface:

  1. first, a valid IP config is required on both interfaces. This can be done with /setup command. In this example we will assume the configuration with DHCP server on the Local interface
  2. valid DNS configuration must be set up in the /ip dns submenu
  3. To put HotSpot on the Local interface, using the same IP address pool as DHCP server uses for that interface: /ip hotspot add interface=local address-pool=dhcp-pool-1
  4. and finally, add at least one HotSpot user: /ip hotspot user add name=admin

These simple steps should be sufficient to enable HotSpot system

Please find many HotSpot How-to's, which will answer most of your questions about configuring a HotSpot gateway, at the end of this manual. It is still recommended that you read and understand all the Description section below before deploying a HotSpot system.

If this does not work:

  • check that /ip dns contains valid DNS servers, try to /ping to see, that DNS resolving works
  • make sure that connection tracking is enabled: /ip firewall connection tracking set enabled=yes


Packages required: hotspot, dhcp(optional)
License required: Level1 (Limited to 1 active user) , Level3 (Limited to 1 active user) , Level4 (Limited to 200 active users) , Level5 (Limited to 500 active users) , Level6
Submenu level: /ip hotspot
Standards and Technologies: ICMP, DHCP
Hardware usage: Not significant


MikroTik HotSpot Gateway should have at least two network interfaces:

  1. HotSpot interface, which is used to connect HotSpot clients
  2. LAN/WAN interface, which is used to access network resources. For example, DNS and RADIUS server(s) should be accessible

The diagram below shows a sample HotSpot setup.

The HotSpot interface should have an IP address assigned to it. Physical network connection has to be established between the HotSpot user's computer and the gateway. It can be wireless (the wireless card should be registered to AP), or wired (the NIC card should be connected to a hub or a switch).

Note that the most noticeable difference in user experience setting up HotSpot system in version 2.9 from the previous RouterOS versions is that it has become in order of magnitude easier to set up a correctly working HotSpot system.

Introduction to HotSpot

HotSpot is a way to authorize users to access some network resources. It does not provide traffic encryption. To log in, users may use almost any web browser (either HTTP or HTTPS protocol), so they are not required to install additional software. The gateway is accounting the uptime and amount of traffic each of its clients have used, and also can send this information to a RADIUS server. The HotSpot system may limit each particular user's bitrate, total amount of traffic, uptime and some other parameters mentioned further in this document.

The HotSpot system is targeted to provide authentication within a local network (to access the Internet), but may as well be used to authorize access from outer networks to access local resources. Configuring Walled Garden feature, it is possible to allow users to access some web pages without the need of prior authentication.

Getting Address

First of all, a client must get an IP address. It may be set on the client statically, or leased from a DHCP server. The DHCP server may provide ways of binding lent IP addresses to clients MAC addresses, if required. The HotSpot system does not care how did a client get an address before he/she gets to the HotSpot login page.

Moreover, HotSpot server may automatically and transparently change any IP address (yes, meaning really any IP address) of a client to a valid unused address from the selected IP pool. This feature gives a possibility to provide a network access (for example, Internet access) to mobile clients that are not willing (or are disallowed, not qualified enough or otherwise unable) to change their networking settings. The users will not notice the translation (i.e., there will not be any changes in the users' config), but the router itself will see completely different (from what is actually set on each client) source IP addresses on packets sent from the clients (even firewall mangle table will 'see' the translated addresses). This technique is called one-to-one NAT, but is also known as "Universal Client" as that is how it was called in the RouterOS version 2.8.

One-to-one NAT accepts any incoming address from a connected network interface and performs a network address translation so that data may be routed through standard IP networks. Clients may use any preconfigured addresses. If the one-to-one NAT feature is set to translate a client's address to a public IP address, then the client may even run a server or any other service that requires a public IP address. This NAT is changing source address of each packet just after it is received by the router (it is like source NAT that is performed earlier, so that even firewall mangle table, which normally 'sees' received packets unaltered, can only 'see' the translated address).

Note also that arp mode must be enabled on the interface you use one-to-one NAT on.

Before the authentication

When enabling HotSpot on an interface, the system automatically sets up everything needed to show login page for all clients that are not logged in. This is done by adding dynamic destination NAT rules, which you can observe on a working HotSpot system. These rules are needed to redirect all HTTP and HTTPS requests from unauthorized users to the HotSpot servlet (i.e., the authentication procedure, e.g., the login page). Other rules that are also inserted, we will describe later in a special section of this manual.

In most common setup, opening any HTTP page will bring up the HotSpot servlet login page (which can be customized extensively, as will be described later on). As normal user behavior is to open web pages by their DNS names, a valid DNS configuration should be set up on the HotSpot gateway itself (it is possible to reconfigure the gateway so that it will not require local DNS configuration, but such a configuration is impractical and thus not recommended).

Walled Garden

You may wish not to require authorization for some services (for example to let clients access the web server of your company without registration), or even to require authorization only to a number of services (for example, for users to be allowed to access an internal file server or another restricted area). This can be done by setting up Walled Garden system.

When a not logged-in user requests a service allowed in the Walled Garden configuration, the HotSpot gateway does not intercept it, or in case of HTTP, simply redirects the request to the original destination (or to a specified parent proxy). When a user is logged in, there is no effect of this table on him/her.

To implement the Walled Garden feature for HTTP requests, an embedded web proxy server has been designed, so all the requests from not authorized users are really going through this proxy. Note that the embedded proxy server does not have caching function yet. Also note that this embedded proxy server is in the system software package and does not require web-proxy package. It is configurable under /ip proxy


There are currently 5 different authentication methods. You can use one or more of them simultaneously:

  • HTTP PAP - simplest method, which shows the HotSpot login page and expect to get the authentication info (i.e. username and password) in plain text. Note that passwords are not being encrypted when transferred over the network. An another use of this method is the possibility of hard-coded authentication information in the servlet's login page simply creating the appropriate link.
  • HTTP CHAP - standard method, which includes CHAP challenge in the login page. The CHAP MD5 hash challenge is to be used together with the user's password for computing the string which will be sent to the HotSpot gateway. The hash result (as a password) together with username is sent over network to HotSpot service (so, password is never sent in plain text over IP network). On the client side, MD5 algorithm is implemented in JavaScript applet, so if a browser does not support JavaScript (like, for example, Internet Explorer 2.0 or some PDA browsers), it will not be able to authenticate users. It is possible to allow unencrypted passwords to be accepted by turning on HTTP PAP authentication method, but it is not recommended (because of security considerations) to use that feature.
  • HTTPS - the same as HTTP PAP, but using SSL protocol for encrypting transmissions. HotSpot user just send his/her password without additional hashing (note that there is no need to worry about plain-text password exposure over the network, as the transmission itself is encrypted). In either case, HTTP POST method (if not possible, then - HTTP GET method) is used to send data to the HotSpot gateway.
  • HTTP cookie - after each successful login, a cookie is sent to web browser and the same cookie is added to active HTTP cookie list. Next time the same user will try to log in, web browser will send http cookie. This cookie will be compared with the one stored on the HotSpot gateway and only if source MAC address and randomly generated ID match the ones stored on the gateway, user will be automatically logged in using the login information (username and password pair) was used when the cookie was first generated. Otherwise, the user will be prompted to log in, and in the case authentication is successful, old cookie will be removed from the local HotSpot active cookie list and the new one with different random ID and expiration time will be added to the list and sent to the web browser. It is also possible to erase cookie on user manual logoff (not in the default server pages). This method may only be used together with HTTP PAP, HTTP CHAP or HTTPS methods as there would be nothing to generate cookies in the first place otherwise.
  • MAC address - try to authenticate clients as soon as they appear in the hosts list (i.e., as soon as they have sent any packet to the HotSpot server), using client's MAC address as username

HotSpot can authenticate users consulting the local user database or a RADIUS server (local database is consulted first, then - a RADIUS server). In case of HTTP cookie authentication via RADIUS server, the router will send the same information to the server as was used when the cookie was first generated. If authentication is done locally, profile corresponding to that user is used, otherwise (in case RADIUS reply did not contain the group for that user) the default profile is used to set default values for parameters, which are not set in RADIUS access-accept message. For more information on how the interaction with a RADIUS server works, see the respective manual section.

The HTTP PAP method also makes it possible to authenticate by requesting the page /login?username=username&password=password . In case you want to log in using telnet connection, the exact HTTP request would look like that: GET /login?username=username&password=password HTTP/1.0 (note that the request is case-sensitive)


After authentication, user gets access to the Internet, and receives some limitations (which are user profile specific). HotSpot may also perform a one-to-one NAT for the client, so that a particular user would always receive the same IP address regardless of what PC is he/she working at.

The system will automatically detect and redirect requests to a proxy server a client is using (if any; it may be set in his/her settings to use an unknown to us proxy server) to the proxy server embedded in the router.

Authorization may be delegated to a RADIUS server, which delivers similar configuration options as the local database. For any user requiring authorization, a RADIUS server gets queried first, and if no reply received, the local database is examined. RADIUS server may send a Change of Authorization request according to standards to alter the previously accepted parameters.


The same proxy used for unauthorized clients to provide Walled-Garden facility, may also be used for authorized users to show them advertisement popups. Transparent proxy for authorized users allows to monitor http requests of the clients and to take some action if required. It enables the possibility to open status page even if client is logged in by mac address, as well as to show advertisements time after time

When time has come to show an advertisement, the server redirects client's web browser to the status page. Only requests, which provide html content, are redirected (images and other content will not be affected). The status page displays the advertisement and next advertise-interval is used to schedule next advertisement. If status page is unable to display an advertisement for configured timeout starting from moment, when it is scheduled to be shown, client access is blocked within walled-garden (as unauthorized clients are). Client is unblocked when the scheduled page is finally shown. Note that if popup windows are blocked in the browser, the link on the status page may be used to open the advertisement manually.

While client is blocked, FTP and other services will not be allowed. Thus requiring client to open an advertisement for any Internet activity not especially allowed by the Walled-Garden.


The HotSpot system implement accounting internally, you are not required to do anything special for it to work. The accounting information for each user may be sent to a RADIUS server.

Configuration menus
  • /ip hotspot - HotSpot servers on particular interfaces (one server per interface). HotSpot server must be added in this menu in order for HotSpot system to work on an interface
  • /ip hotspot profile - HotSpot server profiles. Settings, which affect login procedure for HotSpot clients are configured here. More than one HotSpot servers may use the same profile
  • /ip hotspot host - dynamic list of active network hosts on all HotSpot interfaces. Here you can also find IP address bindings of the one-to-one NAT
  • /ip hotspot ip-binding - rules for binding IP addresses to hosts on hotspot interfaces
  • /ip hotspot service-port - address translation helpers for the one-to-one NAT
  • /ip hotspot walled-garden - Walled Garden rules at HTTP level (DNS names, HTTP request substrings)
  • /ip hotspot walled-garden ip - Walled Garden rules at IP level (IP addresses, IP protocols)
  • /ip hotspot user - local HotSpot system users
  • /ip hotspot user profile - local HotSpot system users profiles (user groups)
  • /ip hotspot active - dynamic list of all authenticated HotSpot users
  • /ip hotspot cookie - dynamic list of all valid HTTP cookies

Question&Answer-Based Setup

Command name: /ip hotspot setup


address pool of network (name) - IP address pool for the HotSpot networkdns name (text) - DNS domain name of the HotSpot gateway (will be statically configured on the local DNS proxydns servers (IP address,[IP address]) - DNS servers for HotSpot clientshotspot interface (name) - interface to run HotSpot onip address of smtp server (IP address; default: - IP address of the SMTP server to redirect SMTP requests (TCP port 25) to
  • - no redirect
  • local address of network (IP address; default: - HotSpot gateway address for the interfacemasquerade network (yes | no; default: yes) - whether to masquerade the HotSpot networkname of local hotspot user (text; default: admin) - username of one automatically created userpassphrase (text) - the passphrase of the certificate you are importingpassword for the user (text) - password for the automatically created userselect certificate (name | none import-other-certificate) - choose SSL certificate from the list of the imported certificates
  • none - do not use SSL
  • import-other-certificate - setup the certificates not imported yet, and ask this question again
  • Notes

    Depending on current settings and answers to the previous questions, default values of following questions may be different. Some questions may disappear if they become redundant


    To configure HotSpot on ether1 interface (which is already configured with address of, and adding user admin with password rubbish:

    [admin@MikroTik] > ip hotspot setup
    hotspot interface: ether1
    local address of network:
    masquerade network: yes
    address pool of network:
    select certificate: none
    ip address of smtp server:
    dns servers:
    dns name:
    name of local hotspot user: admin
    password for the user: rubbish
    [admin@MikroTik] >